Verkkoinfluential voices—whether bestselling authors, critics, or keynote speakers—play a pivotal role in shaping the future of literature. Verkkowe examine literary reading in the era of deep mediatisation (couldry and hepp, 2017) and explore the influence of ubiquitous digital connectivity on. Verkkoin an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, modern writers are redefining the literary landscape with innovative storytelling techniques, diverse. Verkkothe future of literary studies will be shaped by new and emerging trends in scholarly, critical, and theoretical work, by changes in the material. Verkkohow might (must?) our understanding of what literary criticism is and does change?
Verkkoexplore the exciting trends shaping the future of literature in 2024. Discover how digital narratives, ai, sustainability, and more are transforming the literary landscape.
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